Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I've been lying this whole time...

As the end of high school is comin' around and I am seriously starting to think about reality, I've been really good about putting my time towards earning money and saving it. I really have. I say to people "I don't shop anymore." I have a confession ladies and gentlemen, it's a lie.
I am addicted to online shopping for "running wear". Cute jackets, tanktops, and all different sorts of pants.... I can't stay away. I don't buy any of it but I could stare and search for HOURS. We all have our weaknesses and this one is mine.
Besdies when I'm not at school, even when I'm not running- I wear my running stuff. It's comfty yet cute. Casual yet not lazy. Anything a girl could ever ask for. I went 4 1/2 days straight wearing a sports bra. Honestly, 4 of the greatest days of my life. Enough support that I'm not in pain.... was that tmi??
Anyway, Clark likes nordstrom, Jazzy likes makeup, and I like workout clothes. That's just how it is. Now I can rest at night knowing that I'm not living a lie.

1 comment:

  1. yes... i love that you have a blog,,, "clark loves nordstrom" you got that right!!!!!!! :)
