Saturday, August 20, 2011
all recovered :)
SOOO a week ago I finally got the surgery I have been waiting for. As junior year of high school began to open up, I started noticing my right eye was a little bit more open than my left, but didn't think much of it. Then, the summer before senior year I started noticing that it looked like my left eye was closed when I smile for pictures. NOT GOOD. (especially considering the fact that my friends are crazy picture takers) I made sure to try hard to open my eye real wide for my senior picture and just let it be. You can tell it's saggy, but it was the best I could do.
I wanted it all taken care of before this summer because I don't want a droopy eye in hawaii and I didn't want it for Megan's wedding. Well, I got my wish half way. Last week on Thursday, August 11, I was put under and this is what lovely little Dr. Del Canto did to me. He flipped over my eyelid and tightened the muscle in it. Then proceeded to stitch up some of the tissue and then fold the lid back to where it belongs. I spent the next week icing my eye and let me tell you. It's hard to ice one eye, be able to see out the other, and not have to hold the ice pack there. Needless to say, Sue and I got pretty dang creative- and when I say Sue and I, I mostly mean Sue. We tried to put the bag of peas on my face and then put a sleeping mask on me, but that didn't work because then I couldn't see out of my right eye. Then, Suzy went and bought some kids size hair bands (those stretchy ones that go like around the outer rim of your hair, not like an elastic for a pony tail) and we would criss cross them. It worked quite well until my head stretched them to their limit and they weren't tight anymore. We ended up doing that for about 3 days and on the 4th day, I used an old masquerade mask from zurchars and wore that around with an ice pack under it. I looked good!
This was a conversation I had with Sawyer (3 years old) the day I got my surgery while I had the hair bands and peas on my eye.
Sawyer: Sarah? What are you doing?
Me: I'm in my bed! My eye hurts.
Sawyer: Oh. Cause you are a pirate?
Few minutes later Sawyer comes back into my room.....
Sawyer: Hey sarah? What do you say?
Me: Huh?
Sawyer: Tell me what you say!
Sarah: aaarrrrgggggg
Sawyer got laughing hyserically and played that game the rest of the afternoon, come to find out the next day he woke up asking his mom if he could go "visit the pirate"
I really didn't swell up or bruise too bad. AND my eye didn't really hurt that much but it was SOO itchy. The stitch in my eye felt like a hair that I just wanted to pull out. We went back yesterday and good 'ol doc pulled the stitches out... OUCH!! But it's over. And I'm alive. And I have two normal eyes now!!!!!!! :) :) I shall now try to post a pretty funny picture of myself in recovery.
I wanted it all taken care of before this summer because I don't want a droopy eye in hawaii and I didn't want it for Megan's wedding. Well, I got my wish half way. Last week on Thursday, August 11, I was put under and this is what lovely little Dr. Del Canto did to me. He flipped over my eyelid and tightened the muscle in it. Then proceeded to stitch up some of the tissue and then fold the lid back to where it belongs. I spent the next week icing my eye and let me tell you. It's hard to ice one eye, be able to see out the other, and not have to hold the ice pack there. Needless to say, Sue and I got pretty dang creative- and when I say Sue and I, I mostly mean Sue. We tried to put the bag of peas on my face and then put a sleeping mask on me, but that didn't work because then I couldn't see out of my right eye. Then, Suzy went and bought some kids size hair bands (those stretchy ones that go like around the outer rim of your hair, not like an elastic for a pony tail) and we would criss cross them. It worked quite well until my head stretched them to their limit and they weren't tight anymore. We ended up doing that for about 3 days and on the 4th day, I used an old masquerade mask from zurchars and wore that around with an ice pack under it. I looked good!
This was a conversation I had with Sawyer (3 years old) the day I got my surgery while I had the hair bands and peas on my eye.
Sawyer: Sarah? What are you doing?
Me: I'm in my bed! My eye hurts.
Sawyer: Oh. Cause you are a pirate?
Few minutes later Sawyer comes back into my room.....
Sawyer: Hey sarah? What do you say?
Me: Huh?
Sawyer: Tell me what you say!
Sarah: aaarrrrgggggg
Sawyer got laughing hyserically and played that game the rest of the afternoon, come to find out the next day he woke up asking his mom if he could go "visit the pirate"
I really didn't swell up or bruise too bad. AND my eye didn't really hurt that much but it was SOO itchy. The stitch in my eye felt like a hair that I just wanted to pull out. We went back yesterday and good 'ol doc pulled the stitches out... OUCH!! But it's over. And I'm alive. And I have two normal eyes now!!!!!!! :) :) I shall now try to post a pretty funny picture of myself in recovery.
Friday, August 5, 2011
a new perspective
I have been the most unfaithful little blogger... it will not happen again :) I want to fully blame this on the fact that I cannot figure out how to put pictures on for the life of me.. but thats not completely true. I have been SO busy that any free moment I get, I go running and/or sleep. My apoplogies to all who read..... so I guess, sorry jasmine.
SO I will just give a giant brief overview of my summer. Went on the cruise. Most amazing week ever. LOVED it. If I could spend more time there, I most definately would have. Met some coold people and just embraced the caribbean. Maybe pictures to come later?
Second, I had a birthday. It was a decent day. Just worked. Then, that night the most amazing thing happened to me. Kellie suprised me with all my friends meeting at Cafe Rio for dinner but sitting there across the room was my brothers good friend, Chase. I have been in secret love with Chase for at least 5 years. And guess what he did? Kissed me on the freakin' cheek. It meant nothing to him but sure made my heart flutter. (p.s. I'm not literally in love with him-figure of speech)
What else? I've just been working working working. I found myself a new best friend. She is about 2 feet tall. Short brown hair. 3 years old. Is barely fitting into 2 year old clothes. Mostly wears crocks. Can't eat wheat. And lives to be in the swimming pool. Her name is Charlie and I can't get enough of her. One day, I'll be able to post videos on this thing and you can learn for yourself what a sweetheart of girl she is. She is constantly remind me she loves me, she can sing disney songs, she calls my mom "zoo", and she calls me mom. I will seriously miss her SOOO much when I leave :(
I have been spending so much time with my mom recently and have loved it. She's really great. We always seem to laugh and laugh. First at the fat girl eating her moms soups, next at the girl dressed up at the soccer game with her diet pepsi, next at grandma barton telling me I need to stop by Australia while I am in Hawaii, than at the old lady scooting backwards at the rest home... just everything :) if there was a reason I wasn't moving to Hawaii, it would be because I don't want to be away form Sue, BUT as part of our adventures together today, we watched "Soul Surfer"... I would reccomend it to ANYONE. I cry everytime. There is a big theme in it, not looking at things so closely, but getting a bigger perspective on life. In this movie, she's lost her arm, but she is trying to see the good it can bring out in her. In baby graham's case, he is 8 months old and fighting leukemia, but his family can still have a good attitude about it and know that he will make it through and is acknowleding how much it has brought their family toghether. I want to be able to do that. I feel like I could really grasp a bigger perspective on things. You can really stop reading this if you are bored yet because at this point I am just rambling.
34 days until my big adventure. I. CAN'T. WAIT. New people :) New surroundings :) New school :) crazy bugs :/ cafeteria food everyday :/ BRING IT ON :)
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