Monday, September 12, 2011

bugs. asians. and easy mac.

oohhhh byuh college life.... where to even begin?
We arrived Friday morning, and 2 hours later I had gotten in trouble for not following honor code. Are you aware that at BYU your shorts don't go to your knee... they go past your knee. Boys apparently get very turned on by knee caps. Something that I was completely unaware of.

Next item of business, this place is asian nation. A lot of these people are from Hong Kong, Japan, Fiji, Tonga, Africa... all over. How crazy that I am the minority in this situation?! Never had that happen before. It has really opened my eyes to how lucky I am. Yesterday in Sunday School, we went around and said our name, where we are from, and what we want from Christmas. I felt so spoiled as I heard people say "all I want is to go see my family." "all I want is to be able to talk to my family on the phone" "all I want is to see all of your smiles." "I would like a Book of Mormon that is in english" "I would like to be able to understand what everyone is saying so I can laugh with all of you" "I don't really think I need anything" WOW! I am sooo lucky!! It was just a given for me that I am headed home for Christmas. That is a dream for some people. Seriously, just counting my many blessings.

Now for the bugs, we have just decided to make them our friends. Places they love: our beds, table tops, and walls. When you get to the point where you are killing bugs on the screen of your laptop and think nothing of it is when you know you have been around these little guys quite a bit. Breakfast is not served in the cafeteria here, so Sunday mornings we don't go there, so by after church you are SO ready to eat yummy food in our lovely cafeteria... well me and Court were completely unaware that on Sundays and Sundays only, the cafeteria is closed from 2-4.... we happened to get there at 2:04. awesome. So we decide to head over to our little community kitchen at our dorms that no one ever uses and cook up some easy mac and cheese. Now, let me tell you why no one uses this kitchen. You walk in and see bugs. You might as well be greeted by bugs. Crawling ALL OVER the countertop. As you decide to snoop around and look in all of the cupboards, you run into dried up who knows what kind of food. little mini ants are of course eating at this as well. Then just for kicks, we look into the oven and BUGS AND BUGS AND BUGS come crawling out of the thing!! They must have been stuck in there for ages. Gross, right? Needless to say, we finally pulled through and ate in the cafeteria.

I'm having fun. Classes start on Wednesday and things won't feel quite so much like efy. If this place has taught me one thing, it is how lucky I am to have the family that I have and the means that we have. I am very very fortunate to have sanitary things and have life come so easily for me.
Until next time, much love from your very hot, not air conditioned friend :)

1 comment:

  1. i just love you! i can't wait to be in hawaii... I'm not sure about the bugs, but i will try to get used to them by then.. haha sounds like fun.. text me sometime
