Thursday, November 3, 2011

its raaaiinnninnnggg its ppoouuurriinnngg

It's been a rainy rainy rainy week!! It downpours for about 10 minutes, then gets really hot and sunny for 15 minutes, cloudy for 8 minutes, downpours for 12 minutes... this happens all day long. It's quite strange. 

SO when I woke up this morning it was a downpour, of course... but by the time I left for class, it was sunny.  Well, class on Tues/Thurs mornings is usually cold so I decided to grab my gray jacket  anyway (Haven't worn it yet, really haven't needed any sort of jacket around here).  I get to class and put on this jacket..... EMBARRASSING!!  When I was packing up my stuff to come her, I had accidentally packed Mary's gray jacket.

It looked like an adult trying on a child's coat.  The arms were all tight. My wrists were on the virge of popping out, and it was exteremely short.  I couldn't take it off because I had just finished explaining to my neighbor how freezing cold I was and how excited I was to have brought my jacket.  I sat in class for an hour and a half stiff as a board in my little sisters jacket.  Oh and did I mention I had to go up infront of the whole class and to present something? Oh did I mention there is a super attractive young man in that class? 

silly silly things.

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