Wednesday, October 26, 2011

ttueessdaayyy funnn

tuesdays have turned into a night of fun around here the past few weeks.
last week, we went and hot tubbed at Turtle Bay
This week, WE RENTED A CAR!!! a car! It was really great.  Me, Peri, Tessa, Macall, and of course my favorite little Courtney all decided we needed halloween costumes... so what better thing to do than rent a car and head over to good will?

So we did. Spent about an hour and a half there- picked out some real great outfits.  After that, we headed to walmart to finish off the costumes and get some necessities.  We had some mishaps extending the amount of time that we got our car but we did it and it was great fun!

I learned a few things....
1. I really know how to mismatch clothes
2. Screaming obscene things out car windows is just about as fun as any other thing someone could do.
3. I miss playing in cars with my friends.
4. I can put on a real great dance show for people in any parking lot.
5. When girls get hungry, they get cranky.  You've got to pull out the wittiest parts of your brain to make a car ride less awkward. I'm pretty good at it, so no worries.
6. And for the last thing I learned tonight is that no matter your situation, make the best of it.
Some people have a pretty face.
Some people know how to make others laugh.
Some people don't have the ideal situation they would like.
Some people can't talk to their families for months at a time.

No matter what it is... Hard or easy, it's going to make you grow stronger.  So why not put your best foot forward and just enjoy the ride?

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