Everybody, meet Paige. Paige Toly.
Paige lives 2 doors over from us, which helps make sure that we see her every single day. Somedays we like it, somedays we want to freak out. I can't quite remember right where to begin so let's start with this story...
A group of us were sitting in the caf, eating dinner. Paige had a cup of milk and as she is drinking this milk says, "I wish this milk was warm" um... hm.... (everybody looks at everyone else) then she continues her story "want to know what I do at home? I take a nice bubble bath and then rub baby lotion all over my body so that I smell just like a baby. Then, I put my footie onesie pajamas on and drink a big cup of warm milk!!" If you aren't feeling awkward for me reading this, than you have issues. This story truely sums up everything about this chick.
I am convinced that she has a girl crush on me. On Sunday morning when I was getting ready for church I heard something slip under my door, I look at there is a note (as I am reading this note I can hear Paige on the other side of the door blowing this note further and further into my room) "sarah- I love your bum!! So cute! keep boys away! :) from: Bum Lover" like.... girlfriend..... what the heck....
this whole slipping things under our door has become a regular occurance. if our door is closed, when you open it, it is no longer a suprise if this is what you find..

this particular instance she was shoving starbursts under our door.
She is a silly silly girl. Other things she does: when we think something scary is in our room she will come search it from head to toe for us (that is- we aren't allowed to call her name when we need help. we have to "cock-a-doodle-do" for her), anytime she seems me in my underwear- she is sure to compliment it. she tells us all about her crush, his name is b.j., yes... b.j......., but just watch out because after eating a meal with her- chances are she will ask you to feel her "food baby".
more to come from the hawaiian island of oahu :)
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