hi everybody. haven't posted in a real long time. Life has been crazy!! We will begin all the way back at Thursday.
We were sick of school. Truely. Even though I'm pretty sure we had spent most of the day Wednesday at the beach.... we needed some serious get away time. We never know where we are going to end up, but we called Peri and Tessa and told them to get their butts over here- we were goin' on an adventure. Hopped on a bus headed towards North Shore and we ended up...
MATSUMOTO'S famous shave ice. Should have known. It was delicious. I ate my body weight in ice and sugar that evening, but let's be honest that's become a really great hobby these days. Eating things equal to my body weight. It was a real fun adventure.
We kept wanting to shop around but would run into silly little signs like this. Since the sun goes down at 6:30 and Tessa had to be back for dance at 8:30 oh and all the stores were closed, we needed to catch the next bus back to good ol' La'ie.....
Peri brought us granola bars
we had fun. then we got dumped on. but we still had fun.
Just regular class. That night we went to midnight madness.. just the opening shindig for the basketball teams. It was nice. Our whole mens basketball team is married. They made sure to let us all know they were taken as they each went around and introduced themselves. It's ok. I'm not too bent out of shape about it. We forgot to document- sorry! After that we went to our local movie theatre to see Footloose.
It's kind of small. But does the job. It was a cute little show. I got to wear a sweatshirt for the first time. I was pretty happy about that. I feel like it's bad news when I get super cold when it's 73 degrees outside. Not really sure what Christmas has in store for me, but we will worry about that only when we have to. We went with Tessa, Peri, Macall, Ali and Katie. Love these girls.
We got to ride in a car. It was weird. Hadn't been in one of those in a LONG time. We sang our lungs out to Katy Perry's
firework. Great innocent fun.
We have been wanting to venture over to the swap meet for like weeks now. So we finally did. We got on the bus at 11 a.m. not completely sure where to be getting off but Court had a semi good idea of what was going on. We started to ride. The chick infront of us got super sick. She was throwing up. We were only 20 minutes into this ride. Then, when we thought we were suppose to get off and started to do so, the bus driver told us we still had to stay on, by that time our seats were jacked and we had to stand for so long. It sucks to stand on a bus when you can't reach the handles to hold onto and you are eye level with every armpit on that thing. We finally made it to Salk Lake Ave. where the Aloha stadium was! We shopped around and bought all different little things. (keep it mind that it was about 1:30 and we all needed food). Me and Court bought Ukeleles. They are cute. We are cute with them. We will get real good at it.

At this point, Peri is grumpy. Like really really grumpy. We walked from one side of the highway to the other trying to figure out what to do. Since I am about the only person these days without internet on their phone, I didn't have to be held responisble of where to go. We would start walking down this highway and decide that it really probably wasn't the wisest thing to be doing. We finally decided to ask another person where to get food. "Why would we be asking someone else AGAIN!?" This was a phrase spoken by peri at lest 22.4 times in these 3 minutes. As soon as the man told us we should get on the bus because it was too far of a walk, the child in Peri came out "I am NOT getting on bus guys!! No way!! This is so stupid. My idea is going to be the right one! I know it!" Was not funny at the moment. It was 3:30. She was mad. We were stranded. We ended up hysterically laughing later on about the whole ordeal. We got on the bus and decided to get off at our transfer stop and find food. Crowded bus. I had TWO ukeleles on my back because court was carrying our backpack, got a few weird stares about that one. Watched a girl fight. One girl literally ripping out another girls hair on the side of the road. There are many things that keep you entertained on a long bus ride. Long story short, we made it to The Shack. We each chugged our drinks and scarffed down our burgers. It was fabulous. We were much too grumpy and hungry to get any pictures of this day thus far. Real sorry about this... but here we are waiting for the final bus!

as you can see from our outfits, we were feeling quite rebellious. wanted to wear our slut outfits for the day. so hot. we made it back home safely. This place truely does feel like home. It's a very very safe place. Especially for Hawaii. If you leave town, and anyone asks where you are from, we say "La'ie" and their immediate response is... oh you are mormon then, huh? Super great place.
And now for the final!!! Kissing Rugby. The most hilarious game ever! We went over to the quite house (all the houses here have names, Tessa lives in the mofia house because all her roommates are Russian. This is called the quite house, not sure why but there are 30 girls living here) There were probably about a hundered people there. No air conditioning. It was hot. All the girls each got a number. All the boys got a letter. The guy would either call out 2 letters and a number or 2 numbers and a letter. Say he called out a number, so that girl would go kneel in the middle of the circle. Then he would call a letter, that means that boy would have to go also kneel there and his goal is to kiss the girl on the cheek.. well this is where the fun comes in! The guy calls out another number and that girl has to go kneel down and she is trying to kiss the boy before the boy kisses the other girl. Lots of wrestling. Lots of rug burns. Lots of pouncing. SO. MUCH. FUN!!!! Best night here so far.
I am currently in the process of figuring out how to get a video of this game on here. Hopefully it will be posted soon!!
I have more things to blog about but I should save it for a day when I have nothing else to blog about, and lots of homework. Even though that definition fits tonight. oh... by the way. our school mascot is a seasider. I have his pose down to an art.